Thursday 30 December 2021

Tips for Bin Rental Users During Bad Weather

There’s a reason people undertake clean-up projects in the spring and fall: because doing it in the winter adds a whole new layer of frustration. There’s no escaping the hassles that bad weather can bring to people conducting clean up projects or renovations. Ultimately, things still have to be carried outside, and that’s the primary reason for arranging a waste bin rental.

When there’s no escaping the elements, you have to plan to make the job less egregious on multiple levels. Here are a few tips for people filling their garbage bin rentals during inclement conditions, whether that means cold, snow, wind or rain.

  • Have things handy to cover your bin. Whether that’s a tarp, sheets of plywood, or some other kind of impervious materials, keeping rain and snow out of your bin is important. Your junk bin rental could be weighed down with the weight of the precipitation, which could cost you more at the dump. Obviously, a garbage bin rental that’s full of snow will be harder to fill, and no one wants to climb into a snow-filled dumpster to shovel snow. Take proactive steps to keep the bin from being filled with anything but junk.
  • Clear proper space in the area being designed for your waste bin rental delivery. You’ll want a clear path to and from your bin. If it stars snowing and the wind picks up, drifts could very quickly pile up, impeding your access to the bin and making it dangerous to walk around it. No matter what type of materials you’re carrying in and out, you’ll want lots of room to be able to life and toss them into the junk bin rental. Lifting heavy things in tight spaces could also be hard on your back, so make room.
  • Protecting your hands is important anytime you’re loading a dumpster bin. Sharp objects, nails, shards of glass, broken wood, and other materials can be a hazard to your safety. In winter, cold conditions could also be a factor. A good pair of safety gloves is a good investment anytime. Rain can also make items slippery, so having a good pair of gloves can be a godsend.
  • Dumping old newspapers, leaves, compost, or other materials into a dumpster that’s being rained upon can create odours. If you’re renting a bin for any length of time, keeping it covered to protect the junk inside may be necessary.
  • Try not to have the dumpster dropped off in a place where icy surfaces may be a factor. In cold weather ice can quickly form on asphalt driveways or cement-covered areas. Loading a dumpster in icy conditions can present issues. You may need to invest in salts or put down wood or other surfaces to provide a safe laneway for loading your dumpster.

Call Junk Out to Discuss Your Garbage Bin Rental

No matter what time of year you’re looking at renting, Junk Out can work with you to present the best options for your rental. There’s no way to avoid conducting jobs in bad weather. Proper planning can ensure you remain safe; renting from Junk Out will ensure you’ve got the service and support you need.

Monday 15 November 2021

The Benefits of Hiring a Local Junk Removal Service

junk removal in Oakville

Digital technology has opened up the entire world when it comes to shopping for goods and services. However, sometimes it’s simply a better option to choose local businesses. That’s especially true when it comes to hiring companies focused on junk removal in Oakville.

No matter what the reason you’re thinking of renting a garbage bin for your Oakville junk removal project, contracting a local company such as Junk Out offers many distinct advantages. Whether it’s a residential clean-up, a home renovation project, or a commercial project such as an office or warehouse decluttering, Junk Out is the company to call for your Oakville garbage pick up service. Here are just a few examples of the benefits of hiring a local junk removal service.

Spending Money Locally Helps Everyone

One of the greatest takeaways from the pandemic has been the importance of having a robust local business sector. When you need something fast, your chances are better when you’re supporting local. For Oakville junk removal, that means calling Junk Out to discuss your bin rental options, the length of time you require your rental, and all your pick up and delivery options. By relying on local companies, you’re keeping jobs in the market, taxes in the coffer, and services solvent and readily available..

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Tuesday 19 October 2021

Options for Removing Interior Demolition Debris

demolition in Toronto

The spiraling cost of buying a new home has many people considering interior demolition and renovation of their current property. Demolitions can be a challenging undertaking given the expertise required to safely execute such a major property overhaul. One of the most important things to consider is the method you’ll use to handle removal of waste materials generated during your demolition in Toronto project. 

Options for removing debris from your renovation

There are many different ways to clear debris from your house demolition, each with their own costs and advantages. These include the following:

  • Hire a professional company like Junk Out for your non-structural demolition and debris removal services
  • Contract a roll-off container and have your own crew fill it
  • Haul the debris to local landfills

When it comes to hiring a professional company for projects like interior or garage demolitions, it’s important to go with a company that has extensive experience in completing such projects. A full-scale interior demolition is going to create massive amounts of debris, including piles of drywall or lathe and plaster, fixtures, electrical wire, plumbing components, lighting, and so much more. Throughout the process of your demolition in Toronto project you’ll want to keep your work area clear of debris, primarily for safety . A professional company can also spot things like asbestos or mold that could jeopardize the health of workers completing the project. A company like Junk Out can provide a team of professionals who can quickly, efficiently, safely, and affordably, take care of your interior demolition and remove the waste generated. Our team will also help reuse and recycle any materials that can be repurposed in future construction projects. 

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Thursday 9 September 2021

Keeping Water Out of Your Mini Bin

bin rental Toronto

Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of medium-density fibreboard (MDF) used to manufacturer cheap furniture and cabinetry when left out in the rain? If you’ve witnessed that intense MDF swelling phenomenon, then you’ll appreciate the reasons why keeping water out of your mini bin rental Toronto is a good idea.

You can plan a picnic but you can’t plan the weather – that’s an adage that also applies to the day you arrange your garbage bin rental Toronto to be dropped off. When the rain or snow starts falling, junk and debris aren’t the only things that will be finding their way into your mini bin. And there’s a funny thing about water – it’s heavy! If you’re being charged by weight for your disposal bin rental Toronto, then you’re going to wind up paying more for your rental, and no one wants to pay more. That’s why you should follow these suggestions to try and reduce the amount of water and wet materials getting tossed into your mini bin rental Toronto.

Watch the Weather Network

There’s no job more secure than being a weather person; even if you’re wrong, you can simply blame it on the weather. As someone planning a clean up, renovation, or demolition, you can’t afford to guess, so monitoring your most trusted weather source for the right day to rent is a good idea. You can work with your rental company to ensure you get a little flexibility on the date; a good company will want to work with customers to ensure their disposal bin rental Toronto service worked out. You might also be able to rent a bin with a drain. Ask the question.

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Monday 16 August 2021

Your Junk Removal Questions Answered

junk removal brampton

There are things you may not know about junk removal. At Junk Out, we accept that simple reality. It’s hard to admit, but not everyone goes about their day thinking about junk and garbage removal like we do. It’s why some people still ask us questions, and a reason why we’re the people to go when you need answers about
 garbage removal Brampton.

Common Sense Answers to Junk Removal Brampton Questions

  • What service does Junk Out provide? The core of our business is helping people with disposing of their junk, construction and demolition debris, waste materials and other unwanted items cluttering up their residential or commercial properties. Whether you’re moving, renovating, or simply conducting some long overdue cleaning of things you no longer want or need, we help facilitate your Brampton junk removal needs.
  • How does Junk Out provide this service? We have a variety of dumpster bins available to rent. When you contract Junk Out, we’ll arrive with a truck carrying your dumpster rental and ensure it gets placed exactly where you need it to be for easy filling. Fill it up at your leisure; you have a variety of different rental options in terms of how long you can keep the bin. Once it’s all filled, our team at Junk Out will come remove the bin and dispose of the materials inside. It’s a quick and easy execution. Rent for a day or for multiple weeks. There’s no rush. We can work with you to determine the best option for your garbage removal Brampton service.
  • What items will Junk Out take from my property? The truth is, Junk Out can remove a lot of different materials and items. If you want it gone, chances are that Junk Out can have it removed. A partial list of items includes things like unwanted appliances and furniture, air conditioners, mattresses, electronics, toys, exercise gear, construction and demolition waste materials, yard waste, boxes of paper like old receipts, magazines, or photographs, toys and residential playground equipment, hot tubs and garden sheds, instruments, clothing, and dozens of other miscellaneous items. If it’s legally able to be hauled away and depositing in a landfill, Junk Out can remove it.
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Monday 28 June 2021

Avoid Costly Bin Rental Mistakes

bin rental Toronto

Garbage bins are big, heavy steel constructed, almost indestructible items. There’s nothing that can go wrong when you’re tossing stuff into a big metal dumpster right? Unfortunately, Murphy’s Law can strike even the best-intentioned individuals, so it’s important to avoid costly mistakes when arranging your bin rental Toronto.


  1. There is no place in a dumpster for hazardous waste or combustible materials. Dumping barrels of caustic chemicals, poisonous materials or flammable liquids is always unacceptable. If the garbage bin rental Toronto company you rented from discovers you’ve included those materials in the bin, they could refuse to take it. Avoid embarrassing or potentially costly decisions by following proper protocols around acceptable materials.
  2. Using common sense when filling your full size or mini bin rental Toronto. Loading one end with heavy blocks of mortar and the other with scrap paper means weight is not evenly distributed. This could result in a serious safety hazard for the company picking up the dumpster, especially if they are not aware of the issue. Disproportionate weight distribution, whether it’s on the top or sides of the dumper, could turn the bin into an unsafe load. No one wants to see any get hurt because of their negligent packing of the dumpster. Make sure you’re spreading materials around in the dumpster.

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Monday 10 May 2021

Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Mini Bin

Ben Rental Toronto

Getting rid of garbage, junk, construction debris and demolition waste is not a simple chore. Environmental regulations must be adhered to; costs for dump runs continue to escalate; there are limits and restrictions on what can be left for curbside pick-up. It’s why smart businesses and residential or commercial property owners often rely on the services of bin rental Toronto companies like Junk Out.


No matter where you are in the GTA or what job has necessitated your disposal bin rental Toronto, renting a dumpster helps make waste disposal and recycling of discarded materials much easier. Bin rental Toronto services are convenient, customizable and best of all, completely affordable. Renting a dumpster provides a safe and efficient option for the disposal of all kinds of junk and waste material, from old and unwanted housewares, furniture and appliances to yard waste generated during spring landscaping, house renovations and demolitions. Mini-bin rental companies can help you navigate the often complicated rules and regulations associated with waste disposal across GTA municipalities.

Estimating the volume of materials you’re tossing aside is the first step to identifying the size of the mini-bin you may require. A bin rental Toronto service like Junk Out can also quickly determine the size of bin you need. For starters, if you’re planning on junking a bunch of oversized items that cannot be broken down for bin disposal, you may have to go with Junk Out’s most popular 14 cubic yard bin option. 

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Thursday 8 April 2021

Make Junk Easier to Handle


Garbage removal is not brain surgery. It’s the process of getting rid of the things you no longer want or need. Perhaps it’s the end result of a sweeping house cleaning, a home renovation or a demolition. Regardless of the reason, there are ways you can make the process of removing junk easier with the help of Junk Out, home of bin rental Toronto.

If you’re looking at a major clean out of your residential or commercial space, trying to declutter by removing useless junk, then simplifying the process is a good start. That begins with a call to Junk Out for disposal bin rental Toronto service. Arrange your bin, and then follow some of these tips to ensure your junk removal is handled quickly and efficiently.

  • Avoid the hoarder mentality. Don’t let your waste control you or overwhelm you. Yes, there may come a time when a mini-bin rental Toronto becomes necessary, just because you want to do a mass clean-up. However, don’t store things that you know will be headed into the garbage bin eventually. Garbage piles can generate mould, attract rodents and generate smells. Throw out what you can when you can, and when the time comes for your bin rental Toronto, make quick use of it and clean out your space.
  • Be prepared for your disposal bin rental Toronto service. Pack up junk in boxes; place them in a room with other things you know will be getting tossed. Avoid putting junk in with other stuff that’s not getting tossed so you don’t mistakenly throw out valuable items. The most your junk is packaged and ready to be dumped into a bin the faster your clean-up will be. This is also important if you’re asking friends to help you get rid of heavy boxes full of old books or magazines, heavy materials and other items that may take strength to lift. Organize the junk before hand and chances are you will be able to pack more into the bin you’ve rented.
  • Make sure you’re putting in materials that are allowed to be tossed in the bin. Junk Out has policies around what materials can be tossed into the dumpster; hiding toxic or hazardous materials under other boxes is unacceptable and my come back on you if such materials are discovered prior to being dumped in a landfill. Follow the rules and only toss out things that should be tossed; reusable and recyclable materials can be dealt with in a different fashion. Your disposal bin rental Toronto service is convenient when used correctly.
  • You can get help from your bin rental Toronto company if you think you may have difficulty letting go of some things. Our experts at Junk Out can help you with your DIY clean up, ensuring all the materials you want tossed make their way to the bin and other materials get recycled prior to heading to the landfill. It may cost a little more but it does make the clean up go faster.

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Friday 19 March 2021

Choosing Between Bin Rental and Junk Removal

Having an option to choose is a basic tenet of our individual freedom. When it comes to cleaning up junk in your residence or on your property, choosing between a bin rental company and a junk removal service will depend on whether you want the freedom to do it yourself or to delegate the job to someone else. Our team at Junk Out knows, there are always times when the best choice is a junk bin rental.

Junk Removal 101: Who You Gonna Call?

When you’ve reached the point where you know you’ve got some junk to clear out, the first decision is choosing the right option between junk removal services and a waste bin rental. No one wants to be picking up junk and debris, so a junk removal service that does all the work for you can seem like a great option, and it can be. Hiring a team of professionals to take care of all the dirty work is liberating, especially if you’re conducting a full renovation or demolition and you don’t want the risk of getting skewered by nails, screws, wires, wood splinters, jagged metal or covered in dust and debris. In such cases, hire a junk removal company could be a good option over a garbage bin rental. However, there are other things to consider, and that’s where a junk bin rental from Junk Out comes in.

5 Reasons to Choose a Garbage Bin Rental Over a Junk Removal Service

Sometimes there’s just a right tool for the job. That’s the case when it comes to clearing up your property and arranging a waste bin rental. Here are a few examples when that makes sense:

When money matters. Yes, hiring a full crew to come in and clean up your construction waste, household junk and yard waste is nice, but it can be pricey. With a junk bin rental, you save money and fill it up on your own time. A little DIY enthusiasm goes a long way to saving you money on expensive services.

Small jobs and simple solutions. Perhaps you just want to clear out a room or two. Maybe you’ve been saving boxes of magazines in the basement, or you have a small landscaping project that requires removal of leaves, grass cutting and yard waste. A garbage bin rental makes perfect sense for jobs where you can fill a bin over time.

Work to your own schedule. If you hire a junk removal service you need to be prepared. Time is money, and the more time it takes them the more it’s going to cost you, so you have to have all the junk packed and ready for their arrival. With a junk bin rental, you can rent for a longer period of time, and fill the bin in a manner that suits your schedule. No rush, no panic, no extra costs. You rent for a week and you get a week to fill the bin.

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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Keep Life Simple by Using Professional Demolition Services

There’s a name for a well-organized, perfectly planned and safely executed removal of walls, ceilings, rooms, garages, basements or the entire structure of a building. It’s called a demolition. On the other hand, a poorly planned and improperly executed demolition has a name of its own: accident waiting to happen! As COVID-19 lockdowns have more people thinking about renovating, the first thing you should do before tackling the job yourself is to research professional demolition services to determine demolition costs.

Safety Is Key to a Proper Demolition

The cost of getting injured trying to complete a demolition project when you’re an amateur DIY’er is always too high. Thousands of people get injured in Canada each year trying to tackle demolition and renovation jobs they’re not qualified to undertake. Hiring professional demolition services to help clear out the area you want to renovate is simply the smart move. You may have a sledgehammer and a strong back, but you may not have a full understanding of what happens when you knock down a load-bearing wall. Making that mistake can be catastrophic and potentially fatal. Demolition experts have the knowledge of building design, codes, and proper procedures to ensure your demolition is handled in a safe and methodical fashion.

Consider some of things included in a full bathroom demolition cost. From floor to ceiling, a company providing professional demolition services will have to remove ceilings, drywall, fixtures, plumbing and electrical – and maybe even deal with mould issues. To accomplish that in as safe a manger as possible requires the right carpentry, plumbing and electrical tools. If you’re attempting such a project without the proper tools, you could wind up spending a boatload of money before you remove your first outdated bathroom tile. Bathrooms present unique challenges because of the heating vents, pipes, light fixtures and electrical outlets found in every bathroom. Removing them and prepping the area for reinstallation is something better left to professionals.

Make the Job Easier by Hiring Junk Out

Demolition costs vary from job to job. The cost of demolishing a small bedroom will be much less than total demolition of an old kitchen. Neither job is as simple as ripping down walls and rebuilding. A professional demolition company will roll in with a dumpster and a team of professionals that know what’s involved. They can identify where gas lines, piping and wiring are located to ensure safe removal during the demolition. The team at Junk Out offers professional demolition services conducted in a safe and efficient manner. Call them in advance of any demolition project, and they can provide accurate quotes on things like bathroom demolition cost. Demolition isn’t a pretty job; once old walls, ceiling tiles, bathroom fixtures and flooring start coming up, you never know what’s going to be revealed. A professional company will come prepared with all the proper safety equipment required for working in an environment full of dust and contagions.

Junk Out can make any demolition project easier and more affordable. From top notch demolition experts to garbage bin rentals that help keep your job site clean, Junk Out is the name to remember before you start knocking things down. Keep your demolition costs low and your satisfaction high.

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